Friday, May 27, 2011

5 Hour Energy may be my new BFF...

I feel like it took all day to get things posted but had a blast creating my own thing!  Still have more bracelets to picture & post and the descriptions are not my thing.  Hopefully that will get better with time.  

Almost felt like summer today.  The boys were fishing in the pond.  Cookout and s'mores rounded out the night.  Now it's time to get the "itch-ies" off from rolling down the hill and hopefully an early night for the little ones!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

It's coming together, pepper!

This is what my husband always says to me when we are almost finished with a project, usually a house project.  What I have done so far is about to be published but it doesn't help that the internet has gone ka-put and my computer has decided to commit electronic it's hopping from one family member's computers to another to keep things moving.  Thank goodness for my Droid, I'd be lost without it. 

Oh well, my motto is everything happens for a reason. 

Keep checking in at for some new items, coming soon! 

Hint: brides, mommies and little girls will be sooo coordinated!